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Add:Building 1, No. 685 Hedong Road, Chenqiao street, Chongchuan District, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province
Auto parts manufacturing
As the foundation of the automobile industry, auto parts are the necessary factors to support the sustainable and healthy development of the automobile industry. In particular, the vigorous and vigorous independent development and innovation of the automobile industry needs a strong component system to support. The auto parts industry creates about 80% of the value, and undertakes a lot of research and development work in addition to the production of parts.
We provide comprehensive solutions for automobile manufacturers and parts suppliers around the world. Powerful solutions are mainly aimed at helping manufacturers change productivity, product quality and worker safety.
Robots in auto parts industry
At present, 75% of a car is produced and processed by the auto parts industry. Therefore, industrial robots play an increasingly important role in improving the production efficiency of auto parts. From tires to gasoline hoses, from engine units to glass, from steering wheel to plastic parts, industrial robots can be applied to almost all kinds of applications, not only because it is equipped with flexible applications and easy to operate control technology, which makes robots easy to plan, integrate, operate and maintain, and can be easily adjusted according to special needs.
Application in auto parts industry
Automobile manufacturers can benefit from coating solutions, switching the traditional coating application of automobile parts to an automated process. This can significantly reduce labor costs, improve product quality and make the enterprise's coating application more flexible.
Are auto parts manufacturers equipped with automatic production line robots?
This is simply unimaginable. The high-precision and durable high-tech solutions provided can be used for standardized reprocessing of almost all kinds of materials. It can take over all kinds of dangerous jobs, complete the whole production step automatically, and intelligently integrate a single process unit with high flexibility. Whether it is installation, welding, surface processing, sorting, measurement or detection, robots can complete precision operations more economically and quickly.

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